Diaspora Despierta

Connecting and highlighting grassroots, community led movements for self-determination and self-sufficiency on the island of Puerto Rico.

StillRising is committed to…

StillRising is committed to supporting the residents and natural resources of Puerto Rico. In 2017, shortly after Hurricane María, out of her own frustration with the lack of a structured and coordinated government response, Dianne launched a campaign to fund grassroots groups on the island. What started as a small effort to raise $5K quickly grew to over $40K.

Since then, we have been very involved in supporting grassroots, community led organizations in Puerto Rico through the establishment of the Diaspora Despierta project. We have successfully raised over $200K in funding to elevate and amplify the work being done in communities that were otherwise forgotten by the government and found powerful, people-centered ways to take care of each other. In many ways, it was bearing witness to these efforts that inspired Dianne to challenge the establishment and run for Mayor of NYC in 2021. In 2022, as Diaspora Despierta organized an event to commemorate the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria, the island was once again devastated by Hurricane Fiona, quickly turning our commemoration into a crisis response effort.

Diaspora Despierta Impact

To date, Diaspora Despierta has provided funding to over THIRTEEN organizations across the island who are doing critical work in addressing the immediate needs of those impacted by the hurricanes AND working to support the long-term sustainability and self-sufficiency of island residents. These groups are providing direct aid (food, clothing, shelter). They are helping to expand access to solar power. They are working toward food sovereignty* by supporting farming and agriculture. They are advocating for the environment, as well as protecting the island’s beaches and natural preserves from invasive development and harmful climate practices. And they are working to help Puerto Ricans harness their power to create the change they want for their communities. We are proud to have had the opportunity to meet and work with these extraordinary groups. Please feel free to follow them on social media (links provided where available) and continue to provide support if you are are interested and able!

Leadership & Cultural Exchange

There is no question that our efforts have made a difference and had impact. However, the island, the people, and the infrastructure need long-term, sustainable change. Communities know what they need and welcome those of us who want to support their vision and efforts.

In November of 2023, in response to the interests of many across the Diaspora, Diaspora Despierta began facilitating trips for allies and supporters to engage in a cultural and leadership exchange across the island, learning and engaging with leaders and communities working to increase residents' self-determination and self-sufficiency. The trip provided:

  • A critical opportunity for community building across and beyond the Diaspora.

  • An understanding of the socio-political and economic context of the island's history.

  • The potential for relationship building and ongoing collaboration.

Our trips across the island include opportunities to speak to Puerto Ricans about their experiences, learn from their powerful stories, and connect to communities working to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency, build local capacity, expand participatory decision-making, and protect natural resources. We also provide an opportunity to take in the beautiful island, see some of the natural wonders of the land, eat incredible local food, and connect with people-centered initiatives that highlight the power of possibility.

Click here if you want to continue to be informed or may be interested in joining us on the next exchange.

  • "Despite having visited the island many times, seeing Puerto Rico though Dianne’s eyes was a perspective changing experience. Meeting rural communities who have come together to continue to fight for their land, people and basic needs was truly inspiring. Grateful for the opportunity to participate with other like-minded, values-aligned, badass women was the icing on the cake!"

    Jen Tausig

  • "Exploring Puerto Rico and witnessing the innovative ways in which locals are supporting their community was a truly immersive and eye-opening experience. Thank you, Dianne Morales, for helping us discover the heart and soul of this beautiful island."

    Erica Priscilla Sandoval

  • "I had been to Puerto Rico before but never fully felt Puerto Rico until I completed the Diaspora Despierta trip. I bonded with my fellow trip attendees (who I now consider mis hermanas), the people we met with and the projects we visited. I now carry Puerto Rico and its people in my heart. Dianne, thanks for the opportunity to participate in this life changing experience."

    Maria Lizardo

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